The properties of the STACIR, STACIR/AW can reduce the corrosion speed in the steel core and aluminum wires, thereby lengthening the lifespan of the wire while cutting the electric resistance and the wire weight
ACSR / AACSR / ACAR / AAA/ACSR-AW Conductors for Overhead Power Transmission & Distribution:
- AAC (All Aluminium Conductors).
- ACSR (Aluminium Conductor SteelReinforced).
- ACSR (Aluminium Conductor SteelReinforced).
- AACSR (Aluminium Alloy Conductor SteelReinforced).
- AACSR (Aluminium Alloy Conductor SteelReinforced).
- AAAC (All Aluminium Alloy Conductors).
- ACAR (Aluminium Conductor Alloy Reinforced) .